Benjamin Burton
Photo editor
Rebecca May
Grace Shiffrin
Anushka Srivastav
Tree branches collapsed in front of Waller Hall. Photo by Rebecca May.
Photo by Benjamin Burton.
Bamboo frozen over in the courtyard between the Renjen Center and York Hall. Photo by Grace Shiffrin.
Fallen branches lay in the distance behind the icy Town and Gown statue. Photo by Rebecca May.
Photo by Anushka Srivastav.
A "Campus Closed" sign frozen over next to the sidewalk by Winter Street. Photo by Grace Shiffrin.
Photo by Anushka Srivastav.
Icy trees and fallen branches frame the view of the Mill Stream. Photo by Rebecca May.
A large branch blocks the pathway to Doney Hall. Photo by Rebecca May.
Downed branches crushed tents near the Lee & York Houses. Photo by Grace Shiffrin.
A bench facing the Capitol sits covered in broken branches. Photo by Rebecca May.
Downed branches between the Renjen Center and Winter Street. Photo by Grace Shiffrin.
Photo by Benjamin Burton.