Willamette’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1889:
Your College, Your Paper, Your Stories
Art and Photography Submission

All photos and art pieces submitted to The Collegian will be properly credited to the creator/submitter in any form of publication.
By submitting, you are consenting to TC publishing the art/photo without you receiving monetary (or otherwise) compensation.
Pieces may be published multiple times by TC, and photos and graphics may be incorporated into TC’s stock library
Photo submissions must be in line with TC’s photojournalism policies, and by submitting here you are affirming that you followed these policies when getting the photo.
When a photo or art piece is submitted, it is not guaranteed that it will be used or published.
While the artist retains the rights to their work, by submitting this form you are accepting that art cannot be removed from an already published story. Artists and photographers may ask that a piece be removed from TC’s stock library and future publication.