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Campus Safety report: April 19-25

Collegian staff

Campus Safety Report

April 19-25 2021

Provided by Ross Stout.

Suspicious Activity/Persons

April 19, 9:51 a.m. (Sparks Center): While on patrol, an officer encountered an individual camped out with their belongings near the Skybridge. The officer informed the individual that the campus is closed to visitors and the individual gathered their belongings and left.

April 19, 9:51 a.m. (Lee/York): While on patrol, an officer encountered an unknown individual passing through campus. The officer informed the individual that the campus is closed to visitors and the individual then left.

April 19, 6:17 p.m. (Baxter Hall): Campus Safety received a call reporting younger aged individuals on skateboards passing through campus without masks on. An officer responded and met with the individuals informing them of the campus mask and visitor policies. The individuals left campus.

April 19, 7:17 p.m. (Baxter Hall): Campus Safety received a call now reporting middle aged individuals also on skateboards and passing through campus without masks on. An officer responded and met with the individuals informing them of the campus mask and visitor policies. The individuals also left campus.

April 20, 1:40 p.m. (State Street): Campus Safety received a call reporting an individual on a motorized scooter passing through campus without a mask on. An officer responded and informed the individual of the campus mask and visitor policies. The officer then guided the individual off campus.

April 21, 2:32 p.m. (Atkinson Annex): While on patrol, an officer encountered an unknown individual in the area about to enter campus. The officer maintained a visual on the individual to make sure they kept moving.

April 22, 8:08 p.m. (Goudy Commons): Campus Safety received a call reporting an unknown individual on campus following students. The individual was described as a man wearing a beanie, a dark blue backpack, and was not wearing a mask. They were also last seen walking towards the sidewalk behind Goudy and Lausanne. Officers responded and searched the area and surrounding areas, but the individual had already left the area.

April 23, 9:01 a.m. (Jackson Plaza): Campus Safety received a call from an employee who noticed an unknown individual pass by their office. An officer responded and searched the area and surrounding areas, but could not locate the individual.

April 24, 2:49 p.m. (Kaneko Commons): While on patrol, an officer encountered an individual camping in the bushes. The officer made contact with the individual and informed them that the campus is closed to visitors and requested they relocate off campus. The individual gathered their belongings and left.

April 25, 11:32 p.m. (Doney Hall): Campus Safety received a call reporting an older maskless individual attempting to follow a student into their dorm. Officers responded and an officer located the individual walking east of the quad and followed the individual where the officer found the individual heading off campus.


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