Provided by Ross Stout
Director of Campus Safety
The Campus Safety report is published as it is received, without any edits by Collegian staff.

Medical Assistance
November 29, 1:09 p.m. (In a Campus Residence): A welfare check was done at the request of a student’s parent. An officer checked in with the student and found that they were fine.
November 30, 2:40 a.m. (In a Campus Residence): A student called stating they were not feeling well. Campus Safety and WEMs responded and found the student was doing fine.
Suspicious Activity/Persons
November 29, 9:07 a.m. (Softball Parking Lot): Campus Safety received a call about an individual who would not leave a campus parking lot when asked and was last seen headed towards Sparks. An officer responded but did not locate the individual.
November 29, 1:18 p.m. (Doney Hall): An officer observed an individual on a bike headed towards the Library. The individual did not appear to be a student so an officer followed the individual until they left campus.
November 29, 10:51 p.m. (Doney Hall): An individual was seen in the bushes by a residence hall smoking and did not appear to be a student. An officer responded to make contact with the individual and explained the smoking policy.
November 30, 10:45 p.m. (Doney Hall): An individual was seen in the bushes near a campus residence. An officer responded and found it was the same student as yesterday’s call.
November 30, 1:34 p.m. (Sparks Center): Campus Safety received a call about an individual who had entered a building while students were leaving and the individual was testing doors to see if they were unlocked. The individual would not answer questions and left the building at 1:37 p.m. An officer responded to the location but did not find the individual.
December 1, 1:34 p.m. (State Street): Campus Safety received a call from an employee saying that Salem Police attempting to arrest an individual off-campus. The caller claimed Salem PD failed to apprehend the individual and that they ran off in the direction of campus. An officer responded to the area and did not locate the individual.
December 1, 5:10 p.m. (Waller Hall): Campus Safety received a call about a candle smoke smell inside a building, an officer responded and checked the area for any candles. The officer did not see any candles and they did not smell any smoke in the area.
December 2, 1:07 p.m. (Matthews Hall): Campus Safety received a call about individuals setting up camp on the east of the residence. An officer responded and made contact with the individuals who were informed the campus is not open to the public and the individuals agreed to leave the premises.
December 2, 2:05 p.m. (Sparks Center): Campus Safety received a call about a disgruntled individual unwilling to leave the area who was clearly not a student. Officers responded and followed the individual off-campus.
December 2, 3:39 p.m. (Baxter Hall): Campus Safety was called to collect marijuana paraphernalia found in a bathroom. An officer responded to collect the item and it was logged as evidence.
December 2, 10:34 p.m. (Smullin Hall): Two students report they were walking toward State Street when an individual lunged at them and got very close to them. The individual was last seen walking down State Street. An officer responded to the area but did not find anyone
November 29, 8:50 a.m. (Grounds Building): An employee reported that gas and batteries were stolen. An officer responded to the area and found two mowers had fuel siphoned and the “Mule” vehicle had its battery stolen.
December 2, 9:16 p.m. (Lausanne Hall): A student called to report a battery had been stolen off their moped.
Found Property:
November 29, 12:19 p.m. (Off-Campus): Campus Safety received a call from an individual claiming he had found one of Willamette’s stolen trailers in his neighborhood and has video evidence of who had brought it over. The individual shared the video evidence with Campus Safety, which was then shared with Salem Police.
November 30, 7:00 p.m. (Off-Campus): Salem Police called to report that they received a Willamette Cube Trailer. This trailer is unrelated to the one found on November 29.
Campus Safety Tip: Lost your phone or wallet on Campus? Call Campus Safety at 503-370-6911 and we will check our lost and found, if we do not have your item we will take your information and add you to our system for lost property. You will then be contacted if we find an item matching the description you have given us.