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Air quality in Salem rises to dangerous levels due to fires 20 miles east

Collegian staff

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

Noah Dantes


Photo by Kegan Rascoe.

At 2:47pm, President Thorsett sent out an email announcing that due to diminished air quality caused by fires 20 miles east of Salem, classes will be remote through the end of tomorrow. One air quality reader is above 500, and the other is above 220, as of 2:55pm. Normal air quality is under 50, according to the weekly monitor of Salem by Purple Air (first link below).

Monitor air quality yourself here and here.

Sign up for Salem city alerts here.

Thorsett said the following in his email:

“Supervisors are encouraged to be flexible in allowing employees to work remotely and to reach out to Human Resources with any questions.”

“Among the recommendations are: avoid strenuous outdoor activity, keep windows and doors closed to reduce the smoke that enters your room or home, if you have an HVAC system with a fresh air intake, set the system to recirculate mode, or close the outdoor intake damper.”

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