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Campus Safety Report, September 1-14, 2023

Collegian staff

Provided by Campus Safety

The Campus Safety Report is published as received, without edits by Collegian staff.

Graphic by Maizy Goerlitz


September 13, 2023, 1:00 p.m. (Stadium): Campus Safety staff received notices from Salem Fire and the alarm company that a fire alarm was going off at McCulloch Stadium and that Salem Fire had been dispatched. A Campus Safety officer arrived on scene and determined that the alarm was coming from the Keene baseball stadium. The officer observed that the fire panel displayed a message stating that the smoke detector in workout room number 27 was dirty. Inside the workout room, the officer noted that the detector was covered with dust and spider webs. Salem Fire arrived and cleared the building and surrounding area, and determined that it had been a false alarm. Maintenance also arrived on scene and stated that the smoke detector had already been scheduled to be replaced.

September 13, 2023, 4:15 p.m. (Belknap Hall): Campus Safety received a call from the alarm company stating that there was a fire supervisory alarm at Belknap Hall. A Campus Safety officer responded to the scene and checked the fire panel, which displayed the room location of the smoke alarm that had been triggered. Upon entering the room, there was no smoke or fire detected. The building was cleared of all potential signs of fire, and the fire panel was reset. The incident was determined to be a false alarm.

Emergency Medical Aid

September 7, 2023, 2:29 p.m. (Eaton Hall): A student called Campus Safety to request assistance for another student who was feeling dizzy and lightheaded. An officer responded to the scene and escorted the student to the Sparks parking lot to meet their friend who had agreed to drive them to Salem Health for a medical assessment.

September 12, 2023, 10:08 a.m. (Kaneko): A Campus Safety officer responded to a call reporting that an individual had fallen in the Kaneko Auditorium. When arriving on scene, the Campus Safety officer observed the individual in a chair and unable to stand. The individual reported that they had tripped on a chair and that they were experiencing pain on their left side. Salem Fire Paramedics were called and responded to the scene for assessment. The individual was then transported to Salem Health by the paramedics.

September 14, 2023, 5:50 p.m. (Goudy Commons): Campus Safety received a call from Goudy Commons staff reporting that a student was in need of medical aid. A Campus Safety officer arrived on scene and made contact with the injured student. The student was examined and was determined to have sustained multiple lacerations to the leg. The student stated that they had slipped on something, dropping their plate and cutting their leg on the broken plate pieces. Another student offered to drive the injured student to the hospital, which the injured student agreed to. The Campus Safety officer escorted the students to the driver’s vehicle via golf cart and the injured student was driven to the hospital.

Policy Violation

September 4, 2023, 1:01 a.m. (Baxter Hall Roof): A Campus Safety officer received a notification that a person was detected on the Baxter 4th roof. The officer arrived on scene to find four students sitting on the roof. The students provided identification and were informed by the officer that roof access is prohibited per Willamette policy and posted signage. The students complied with the officer’s requests and exited the area.

September 13, 2023, 8:58 p.m. (In a Campus Residence): Campus Safety received a report that two students were smoking marijuana outside of a residence hall on Willamette property. A Campus Safety officer arrived on scene and confiscated the substance. The students were cooperative and were reminded of Willamette University policy.

Suspicious Activity/Persons

September 1, 2023, 10:00 a.m. (Zena Property): Campus Safety staff received a report that a truck and camper trailer had been abandoned at Zena and was blocking the access road. A Campus Safety officer arrived on scene and found that the vehicle had gone off the road and was wedged in the mud up against a tree. The officer also observed that the truck appeared to have been rifled through, as the glove box was left open and items were strewn about. The officer took down the license plate numbers on the truck and trailer, and contacted the Polk County Sheriff’s office. The truck and trailer were both flagged as stolen, and deputies arrived on scene. The owner of the vehicle and trailer was contacted and arrangements were made for retrieval.

September 2, 2023, 11:13 p.m. (Softball Field): A Campus Safety officer received a call from the alarm company that an alarm was being triggered at the softball lot fence. The officer arrived on scene and witnessed four individuals in the field, with softballs and bats strewn about. The individuals fled the scene toward Kaneko commons when they saw the Campus Safety Officer. The officer collected the abandoned softball equipment and returned them to storage, where it was secured.

September 13, 2023, 4:17 a.m. (Shepard Hall): A Campus Safety officer encountered an individual with a metal pole loitering in the guest parking lot. The officer approached the individual and informed them that they were on private property and needed to leave, to which the individual became irate and threatened to use his weapon to hit the officer. The officer informed the individual that if they did not leave, they would be forced to call the police. The officer called Salem PD, and the individual began moving toward the University Apartments when they noticed that the officer was on the phone. The officer followed the individual to keep Salem PD apprised of their whereabouts. When the individual noticed that the police had arrived, they fled off property. The Campus Safety officer obtained the police case number and requested that the individual be trespassed.

Vehicle Accident

September 14, 2023, 2:30 p.m. (Sparks Parking Lot): A Willamette community member reported to Campus Safety that they had accidentally hit another vehicle in the Sparks Parking Lot. The individual stated that they left on note on the vehicle that was hit, but were afraid the note might fly away. A Campus Safety officer responded to the scene and secured the note to the vehicle. The officer also determined the owner of the vehicle that had been hit; the owner was contacted and given the reporting party’s contact information.

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