Provided by Ross Stout
Director of Campus Safety
The Campus Safety report is published as it's received, without edits by Collegian staff

Criminal Mischief
April 27, 7:30 a.m. (University Services Building): Campus Safety received a report from Facilities staff reporting their campus golf cart had been tampered with overnight and was damaged. A report was filed.
Suspicious Activity/Persons
April 23, 12:48 p.m. (Botanical Gardens): Campus Safety encountered an unknown individual in the area using an exterior power outlet. The individual was asked to leave and complied.
April 23, 2:30 p.m. (Spec Keene Stadium): Campus Safety received a call from an employee reporting a group of individuals jumping over the fence at the baseball stadium and they were playing soccer on the football field. Officers and the coach talked with the group and the individuals left the area.
April 26, 1:22 p.m. (Atkinson Annex): While on patrol, an officer encountered an individual passing through campus pushing a shopping cart with various belongings. The officer observed the individual to assure they kept moving off campus.
April 27, 2:22 a.m. (Sparks Center): Campus Safety received a call from Salem Hospital security reporting an individual headed towards campus and may be under the influence. Officers responded and searched the area for the individual and encountered Salem Police on campus looking for the individual as well. The individual was not located on campus.
April 27, 7:51 a.m. (York House): Campus Safety received a report of an unknown individual attempting to access the building. An officer responded and located the individual near Goudy and the individual was asked to leave campus.
April 27, 8:00 a.m. (Matthews Parking Lot): Campus Safety received a call from an employee reporting an individual passing through campus with a sleeping bag. An officer responded and searched the area, but could not locate the individual on campus.
April 27, 10:27 a.m. (The Quad): While on patrol, an officer encountered an individual passing through campus carrying two large trash bags. Officers observed the individual until they were off campus.
April 27, 11:45 a.m. (Sparks Center): While on patrol, an officer encountered a vehicle in bad condition parking on campus with various items strapped to the roof. The officer made contact with the occupants and the driver stated their vehicle was overheating and they would leave as soon as possible. The officer later returned to the area and the individuals had left.
April 27, 1:35 p.m. (Winter Street): While on patrol, an officer encountered an individual passing through campus yelling and acting strangely. An officer responded and followed the individual until they were off campus.
April 27, 5:12 p.m. (The Quad): Campus Safety received multiple calls reporting an individual on campus yelling and swinging their arms. Officers responded and approached the individual but the individual fled as officers approached. The officers followed the individual and until they were off campus.
Emergency Medical Aid
April 24, 4:40 p.m. (Kaneko Commons): Campus Safety received a call reporting an individual passed out near the building. Officers checked on the individual who was laying on their stomach and was not responding. Officers contacted paramedics and the individual became responsive and stated they were sleeping when paramedics arrived. The individual was then asked to the area and compiled.
April 24, 2:31 p.m. (Sparks Center): Campus Safety received a report from Athletics staff reporting an unknown individual entering the building, stealing food from the break room and then exiting the building. Sparks staff were able to surveillance provide video of the individual, but the individual remains unknown.
April 28, 3:15 p.m. (Law School): While on patrol, an officer encountered a student standing next to their bicycle that was missing a back wheel. The officer contact the student and filed a report. The student informed the officer that the front tire was also tampered with, but the thief was unable to remove it.