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Collegian staff

Campus Safety Report Nov. 5 - 11

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

Provided by Ross Stout

Director of Campus Safety

The Campus Safety report is published as it is received, without any edits by Collegian staff.

Graphic by Maizy Goerlitz.

Medical Assistance

November 7, 1:10 a.m. (In a Campus Residence): A student called requesting to speak to WEMS, the student was connected to a WEMS member.

November 7, 1:20 a.m. (In a Campus Residence): An officer completed a welfare check on a student and confirmed they were fine.

November 11, 9:00 p.m. (Waller Hall): A member of a group meeting in Waller experienced a medical emergency. An officer and WEMS responded and another member in the group called 911. The individual was Transported to Salem Hospital.

Suspicious Activity/Persons

November 5, 5:30 p.m. (Waller Hall): Campus Safety received a call about skateboarders doing tricks on campus. An officer responded to inform the individuals they can not be on campus.

November 7, 10:42 a.m. (University Apartments): An officer escorted an individual off-campus once it was clear the individual was not a student.

November 8, 8:04 a.m. (Ford Hall): A staff member called about an individual going through the nearby dumpsters. An officer responded and found the individual on the second-floor balcony and they were escorted of property.

November 8,11:44 a.m. (Visitor Parking Lot): An individual was seen near the lot with their pants down. An officer responded and informed the individual they couldn't be on campus. An officer observed the individual until they left campus.

November 10,9:26 a.m. (University Apartments): An officer made contact with an individual looking through the dumpsters. The individual was asked to leave campus and they complied.

November 11, 11:17 p.m. (Matthews Hall): Campus Safety received a call about a “mace alarm” going off. An officer responded to the call and found an alarm attached to a pepper spray sounding off. The object was dropped in water to short out the alarm.

Campus Safety Tip: Found someone’s left behind/forgotten stuff? Bring it to the Campus Safety Office and we will check our log of missing items to find and contact the owner. We also give a Bistro Buck to anyone who turns in WU ID Cards, Keys, wallets, and bank cards!

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