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Campus Safety Report Oct. 15 - 21

Collegian staff

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

Provided by Ross Stout

Director of Campus Safety

The Campus Safety report is published as it is received, without any edits by Collegian staff.

Graphic by Maizy Goerlitz.

Medical Assistance

October 16, 9:08 p.m. (In a Campus Residence): A student called to request an evaluation of what was thought to be an allergic reaction. Campus Safety responded with WEMS and assisted the student.

October 18, 3:07 p.m. (Atkinson Annex): Campus Safety received a call about a student feeling very ill and sitting on the floor outside the building. An officer responded and transported the student to Salem Hospital.

Suspicious Activity/Persons

October 15, 7:41 a.m. (Winter Street): Officers observed an individual in the covered bus stop. The individual left after being asked to leave the campus

October 15, 9:12 a.m. (Winter Street): Campus Safety received a call that an individual on the corner of Winter and Ferry St was screaming. Officers responded and found the individual, who was not on campus property. Officers observed the individual until they were further from off campus.

October 15, 11:36 a.m. (Sparks Center): Campus Safety received a call that two individuals were across from The Ram on the Corner of 12th and Bellevue were yelling. An officer responded and confirmed the individuals were family members having an argument and were leaving calmly.

October 15, 7:41 a.m. (Winter Street): Officers observed an individual in the covered bus stop. The individual left after being asked to leave the campus

October 15, 12:31 a.m. (University Apartments): Campus Safety received a call that there was an unknown individual going through the dumpster outside of the building. The individual was told to leave campus and they complied.

October 16, 5:30 p.m. (Law School): Campus Safety received a call about an individual running into the Law building and was heard asking about the Law Library. Officers responded and checked the entire building, but did not locate the individual.

October 17, 11:10 p.m. (Collins Science): Officers observed two individuals going through the dumpsters.They were asked to leave campus and they complied

October 18, 12:01 a.m. (Matthews Parking Lot): Officers received a call about an unknown individual screaming. Officers searched the area but did not find the individual.

October 18, 8:31 a.m. (Shepard Hall): Campus Safety received a call from an employee about an individual who was sitting in a Facilities golf cart and refusing to leave the cart. An officer responded and the individual left campus.

October 18, 2:10 p.m. (Lausanne Hall): Campus Safety received a call of an individual camped out in the campus Bus Stop. Officers responded and asked the individual to leave and they complied.

October 18, 3:07 p.m. (Atkinson Annex): Campus Safety received a call about a student feeling very ill and sitting on the floor outside the building. An officer responded and took the student to Salem Health

October 20, 1:23 p.m. (Shepard Hall): Campus Safety received a call about an individual in the dumpsters behind the building. Officers responded but could not locate the individual.

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