Topic: Favorite past Halloween costumes - with pictures!
Compiled by David Flanagan, Opinions Editor
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are the individual staff member’s own, and do not reflect the perspectives of the Collegian staff as a whole, nor the view of the Collegian as an institution. They are unaltered or unedited from what was submitted by the staff members.
The Pick: Ladybug
Submitted by: Anushka Srivastav, Photographer
Staff Comment: My favorite Halloween costume was a ladybug! I was 2 years old!
The Pick: Pumpkin
Submitted by: Jesse Buck, Managing Editor
Staff Comment: My favorite costume is from the Halloween of 2005 when I was a pumpkin and my little brother was a cat. My mom did her best with this considerably disturbing face paint look.
The Pick: King Arthur
Submitted by: David Flanagan, Opinions Editor
Staff Comment: I don’t know which of my friends suggested a group costume, but I’m glad we went with Monty Python. We even had someone to clack fake coconuts. Shoutout to my dad for the awesome sun stenciling!
The Pick: Tinkerbell
Submitted by: Emma Innes, News Editor
Staff Comment: My favorite character when I was little was Tinkerbell, and so that was my Halloween costume five years in a row, ages 3-7. The streak was broken due to a Narnia phase. This picture is from Halloween when I was 3 or 4.