Emma Innes
News Editor
Willamette University Chaplain Ineda Pearl Adesanya announced in a Sep. 2 email that Dominic “Dom” Vogel, a rising sophomore, died days before he was to return to campus. No cause of death was given. Adesanya described Vogel as “a creative musician and loved by many.” A vigil will be held in Jackson Plaza on Tuesday, Sep. 7 at 5:30 p.m. [A Zoom gathering] will be held that evening from 8:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. For continued support, Adesanya invited the community to reach her at <chaplain> or (503) 370 - 6302.
The email included a link to a video of Vogel [performing in his high school band] and a livestream of [the Mass of Resurrection for Dominic Philip Vogel]. There is another video for [The Celebration of the Life of Dominic Philip Vogel] containing a montage of pictures. The Vogel family asks that instead of flowers, donations are given to the Dominic Vogel memorial fund at the following address:
“Mid-Peninsula High School Music Program
Dominic Vogel Memorial Fund
1340 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA, 94025”
Adesanya closed the email saying: “Words are never sufficient for such sorrow, except to talk about love and to remember Dom with that sense of love. Please hold his family, his friends, and his memory gently and with care.”