Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name. There were no candidates for the class of 2022.
Candidates for Class of 2024

Colby Alexander
Hi, I'm Colby Alexander (He/Him). I'm running for the ASWU Senate representing the Class of 2024. I am running because I love the Willamette community, and I want to do my part to serve it. I have lots of experience in leadership and community service because I am an Eagle Scout. I also have experience within ASWU since this semester I have begun serving as a replacement senator. I am a Politics Policy Law and Ethics major because I am passionate about democracy. I recognize the importance of accountability in elected officials. If I am elected to this position I will work to improve communication between ASWU and the students of the university. I recognize that as a senator, my vote would belong to the students I represent, not me alone. If elected I will actively communicate with my constituents and make sure all their voices are heard. I also recognize that next year is going to be an important year for ASWU since most of the community will be vaccinated and we will return to significantly more in-person learning. We will have to do a lot of positive work to rebuild in-person events and communities while ensuring that they remain safe to stop any remaining possibility of the spread of the virus. My plan to do this will involve revitalizing and expanding upon Willamette’s hearths, as well as working with organizations to encourage community-building events, and ensuring that they happen safely. Thank you for your consideration.

Ainsley Moench
Hello! I'm Ainsley Moench (she/her). Hopefully you know me as your ASWU Financier for the past year. I've been able to work with fellow Senators to fund student clubs, bring concerns to administration, create a Student Activism Fund that will provide protest safety materials to students, serve on crucial committees, help pass an anti-racism bill, and restructure the ASWU bylaws. I'm seeking your vote to continue as your ASWU Financier this next year, as I enjoy working for our class and hope to aid in reforming the way we fund student activities to make it more accessible and transparent. Get out and vote!

Inéz Nieves
When I campaigned for the Senate in Fall 2020, I promised all - on-campus or at home, underclassman or just graduating - to dedicate my skills and time to ensuring each person here today has their ultimate potential come to fruition. I labored relentlessly, even during a month-long medical withdrawal and personal setbacks, to create lasting and tangible opportunities for equity and success across the institution: with the Class of 2024, I actively held the administration accountable for failed climate change responses, during the wildfires and ice storm; I lobbied for unprecedented anti-racism reform in ASWU and spearheaded outreach to marginalized communities underrepresented at Willamette; I proposed radical restructuring plans to increase the Senate’s capacity and accountability; and I led student activism for increased hospital and medical support for vulnerable students during this fatal pandemic. My determination to defend your rights and fight for improved academic and quality-of-life conditions in every aspect of your college experience was recognized by my colleagues by being honorably appointed President Pro Tempore. There is still much work to be done - which is why I ask, once again, for your gracious support in ensuring our goals as a community are progressively and effectively achieved. Thank you!

Hannah Purdy
My name is Hannah Purdy (she/her). I am a Classics major/PPLE minor, and I am running for ASWU Senator for the Class of 2024. I am a diligent student and will be a hard-working senator. I love Willamette University and am so grateful for the many opportunities it provides to its community. If elected, I will do my best to make sure the most opportunities are available to enrich the Willamette University experience for everyone. I will do my best to foster positive relations with students, faculty, and administration. True change comes from making informed decisions. I am committed to listening to all and working to find the best solution to the issues facing our community. Part of finding the best solution is increasing community involvement. If elected, I will propose and support initiatives that lead to increased student involvement and ASWU transparency. I understand how hard it can be to learn about ASWU and will work to make that not the experience of others. In sum, I will work hard for you, be a good listener and actor, and make information about ASWU more accessible and transparent.
Candidates for Class of 2023

Joseph Gomez
I'm the candidate who walks the line between "political outsider" and "inexperienced buffoon running for the memes." It's been said that I'm "reckless" and "severely lacking in self-awareness," that I'm "generally unrecognizable on campus" and even those 4 people who know me will say "eh, he's alright," and that I'm the guy you call when you want to get something done "just barely" and "with little competence," but "still technically done." That's why I'm the perfect fit for you, Class of 2023. My name is Joseph Gomez (he/him). I'm double-majoring in Classical Studies and PPLE with a minor in History. I'm running to be an ASWU Senator because I want this campus to be one with a strong, healthy student community for further educational development. My previous academic achievements have been mainly journalistic in nature, so I would like to make sure that our campus welcomes free speech, without which the liberal arts aren't possible, and furthers transparent actions by making information more easily accessible. I would also like to prioritize the betterment of student mental health and ensure all on campus continue to grow despite the troubles COVID-19.

Jack Randall
I am running for another term because I would like to continue serving the Willamette student body.
This is what happens when you don't compensate senators--0 competitive elections, and six out of twelve seats vacant.