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Fast Break Sports Report Nov. 7

Mary Vickery, Staff Writer

Graphic by Carolyn Vazquez

Welcome back Bearcat Fan! Try to cut your confusion short — it’s time that I, a non-Starr, got in on the beauty of the Fast Break. I aim to steer clear of existentialism, though I fear that the subliminal messaging and fluoride in my water will keep me from doing so. Forget about me; let's focus on what truly matters: sports!

Women’s Swim was defeated by the Lutes 102-103 but not without a fight. With wins in three events, Bearcats made quite a splash on the scoreboard. Men’s Swim sank a loss against PLU, pulling an end score of 72-112.

Men’s Soccer broke away with a win in their last home game on Nov. 5, 2-1 against Pacific Lutheran. This win brought Willamette to 8-6-1 in NWC. Sadly, their season ended the next day in Forest Grove with a 1-3 loss.

Women’s Soccer fought a good fight against PLU Saturday, tying the first half but losing 1-2 after a Lute goal in the second. They pulled together a 2-2 tie on Sunday against Pacific, ending their season.

Men’s Golf finished in 11th place at the NCAA Division III preview after Brock Olson (‘26) shot a 220.

Football lost 6-64. The Boxers cruised to 55 points up in the first half, and the Bearcats finally graced the scoreboard in the fourth quarter.

Men’s Basketball put up 97 points against Multnomah, who outdid them by putting up 114.

Volleyball hit the court running Nov. 3, spiking a 3-0 win at home against Puget Sound, then kept the party rocking Nov 4. with a 3-1 win against the Bruins.

In the wide world of sports: Patrick Mahomes threw 2 touchdowns in Germany against the Dolphins, leading to a seven-point lead. With a final of 21-14 Kansas City fans are supposedly enjoying delicious seafood platters.

Consider in the coming weeks: The chaos of our lives is merely that of our own making. We are simultaneously the problem and the solution. Our innate drive to uniqueness and pull to cause waves during our time on this earth pale in comparison to the moon, who has been here long before us and will be here long after. Go sports!

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Casey Swinkels
Casey Swinkels

Great article, Mary! I especially appreciated the bit at the end which reminded me of the reality of humanity.


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