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Willamette announces fifteenth COVID-19 case of semester

Collegian staff

Emma Innes

Staff writer

The Willamette Reopening Committee sent out an email on Nov. 17 at 3:11 pm notifying the community of a student living on campus testing positive for COVID-19, who is now isolating at home. This is the fifteenth reported case of COVID-19 this semester at WU. The email reported the student was last on campus on Nov. 13.

Due to new rules from the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the committee was required to report the buildings the student who tested positive was in. The email stated the student was in Belknap Hall and Goudy Commons. Everyone considered in close contact had already been notified to quarantine at the time the email was sent.

The Reopening Committee once again mentioned that the Higher Education Coordinating Commission and Oregon Health Authority require confidentiality for students and staff who test positive, limiting the information they can release. They also asked the community to continue adhering to physical distancing practices and wearing masks.

Faculty and staff who test positive are still being asked to contact Danita Chapin <dkchapin> in Human Resources, and students who test positive are to contact Tori Ruiz <truiz> in Student Affairs. WU announced its fourteenth case of COVID-19 on Nov. 10.

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