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Willamette COVID-19 Dashboard Update Sept. 26 - Oct. 2

Emma Innes

News Editor

Screenshot Taken Oct. 3 2021

The Willamette University COVID-19 [Dashboard] reported three new cases for the week of Sep 29 to Oct 2. Two cases were students and one case was an employee. This gives the Salem campus a total of 28 cases since Aug 1.

No cases were reported for the Portland campus, which remains at one case since Aug 1.

Willamette’s COVID Advisory Team (CAT) sent out an email Oct 1 giving an update to the community. The email said that 97% of the Willamette Community have reported being fully vaccinated. The Dashboard gives the percentage make up for vaccinations

Screenshot Taken Oct. 3 2021

The email continued that Oregon is [“seeing a slight flattening of cases”] and reminded the community to continue being vigilant with COVID-19 mitigation strategies.

The CAT said that they will continue to report all confirmed cases on the dashboard, as well as reach out to potential close contacts. They explained the use of the dashboard, saying: “we have discontinued the practice of sending campus-wide emails for each confirmed case because reaching out directly to close contacts combined with providing information on confirmed cases on the dashboard is the most effective way to provide the appropriate level of information and support. We are open to feedback on ways we can improve the dashboard so it can provide more useful information for members of our community.”

The CAT and Reopening Committee did not respond to a request for an interview after they asked to be emailed the questions in advance, which is against Collegian policy and best journalistic practices.

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